Story for the day: Sheamas and Margilesse
Sheamas and Margilesse are two characters from books 6, 7 and 9. This moment is not in the books but since I won't be posting anything about them until the first book is republished, here is something to tide you over. Sheamas and Margilesse On the first night Margilesse cooked for Sheamas and displayed her prowess in the kitchen, she learned a defining truth of Tyferrim men. She learned their appreciation for such a service and she was privy to how a man of quality from Frewyn's countryside enjoyed displaying their thankfulness to their significant benefactors. She had been uncertain if her Galleisian fare would delight someone who had come from a family so well-versed in the culinary arts, but his reaction to her cooking when it was given him was all the assurance she required to sate her qualms. ...