Story for the Day: Mr Cluck
Beryn has many interesting and unique creatures on his land, but none so ridiculous and lovable as his prize cockerel. A WIP of the Ode to Cluck by Twisk, complete with hens. Twisk asked me not to post the newer version. She said nothing about this one, however. P lacing his hand upon her back caused her to rouse. The first moments of wakeful confusion with muffled humphs and the delicate fluttering of eyelashes drew his attention, and all his notions of what might be done so secure her attendance in his bed every morning ceased. She raised her head and descried the sun just peering over the horizon. It was morning : all her terrific notions of parting were returning. She was too comfortable, too warm, too sanguine for movement; she could not get up now, and the moment she recognized the broad chest beneath and the well-muscled arms about her, she groaned and buried...