Story for the Day: Ruta

Before Martje gained command of the keep's range, there was Ruta, the old kitchen master, whose mission it was in life to feed Alasdair as much as she did his father. Meeting the keep’s kitchenmaster and assessing her now at such convenience allowed him to comprehend the whole of her compactness: she was a small woman, plump and hardy, always fluttering about her range, her hands never without a something to mark her station, her hair a fiery bramble tied beneath her mop cap, her bristly fringe billowing out and spilling over her forehead, her round face affable, her eye keen and kindly, and her manner jovial and good-hearted. She was a happy woman, one who championed in her profession, who triumphed in puddings and pies, and whose dominant proclivity in life was to feed everyone under her charge. Though she was much smaller than Bryeison had expected, her open temper and subrisive character granted a something like grandeur to a woman who was shorter than the prince. She tr...