Story for the Day: Suilli
Commander Suillibhan, or Suilli as many in his regiment know him, is a mountain of a man from Westren, responsible for training the Diras regiments, known for his cruel tutelage, his abrasive nature, his TussNaTuillin accent, and his formidable moustache. He glories in marching around the barracks, giving orders, and making boys into men by shaping their character with unbearable torment. Though he is a taskmaster on the field, he's a kitten in the garrison and adores all of his students with secret parental affection, Draeden and Bryeison being two of his favourite pupils, mostly because they aren't afraid of him and they excel at everything. When Draeden and Bryeison are at a lost as to how to get out of their dates, they seek Suilli's advice as to how they should proceed, and Draeden is never more mortified by the answer he gives them: S uilli thundered away, the men gave one another chary looks and dispersed, some to patrol and some to enjoy their last night of ab...