Story for #Halloween: The Rumbling Burr

Halloween is upon us, which means NaNoWriMo is around the corner. We'll be ending the writing challenge this year by publishing the third novella in the Marridon series. Everyone who joins out Patreon campaign during the month of November will receive a free copy of the book at the end of the month. To tide everyone over, here is an excerpt from the first part of The Ship's Crew: B artleby slipped farther into the seat of the chair. Here was pleasure, here was the blissful pinnacle of his subsistence, and Bartleby could only be made happier by never being expected to leave it. He could have made himself more immediately easy by taking an axe to the stoat and using its hacked carcass for kindling, but Attenburrow’s manuscript was beckoning him, and he would leave all ideas of golden weasels to the captain, who seemed to have a fascination with anything that was deemed valuable regardless of how extraordinary it was. Tea and books must prevail in Bartleby’s mind, and wi...