Story for the Day: Cutting Back

I absolutely abominate diets. Martje has more tolerance for Bilar's meticulations than I would ever do. T he king and his party were thanked for their visit and asked to please come again whenever their time allowed, and after one last look at the seller’s row along the river, the party were all returned to the keep and arrived in time to hear part of a conversation caroming out from the infirmary as they entered from the hall. They turned the corner and saw Martje standing on the infirmary threshold, having just ended her monthly examinations, the results of which Bilar was beginning to discussing with her. Neither the cleric nor the cook sounded particularly severe or scolding, but the hand on Martje’s hip, the slow insidious contraction of her brow, and the jutting of her lower lip prophesied some intimation of what was coming. “Your blood pressure is good,” Bilar began, perusing he...