#StPatricksDay Special: Peig the Healer

It has been a hectic few months, getting together three new books and recovering from The Great Flood, which washed most of the house away, but to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day at home, here is a little slice of Peig the healer: A t a crossroads in the near distance, wedged amidst the nemorous lanes, was a small cottage, rounded by cobbles and guarded by a stone walkway. It was done in the same style as the houses in the clans, but instead of being crowned with a rick of straw and fitted up with hunting accoutrements, it was caked in light limewash, the eves ornamented with bundles of rosemary and lavender, the stone supports for the outer walls bending slightly, the posts wilting under the weight of a fine peat thatch, the top still green and blooming. A faint amber glow emanated from the windows, the hearth giving life into the small sitting room, the many trinkets and memorandums of a hard-earned domestic life garlanding the mantelpiece, the timid and unattended fire breathin...