33,000 Viewers and Annoucements

Just a fun little item: The old and original Haanta Series site reached 33,000 viewers today, therefore Mr Craw is wearing his party hat for us. Thank you to everyone who keeps reading.

As well, I am happy to tell you that Red Willow Press has received the rights to publish the series in its entirety. The books will be divided into volumes and will be only 2,99$ each. They will be available through all major channels beginning with "The Commander and Den Asaan Rautu Vol 1", "Tales from Frewyn" and then "Khantara", the story of Rautu's parents.

You can read the first few chapters of Commander and Den Asaan on Goodreads by clicking the widget to the right.

Thank you again to everyone, and special thank you to those who reviewed the books this week.
