Happy Ailineighdaeth!

Ailineighdaeth (pronounced Alinade in Old Frewyn) is the Day of Renewal or Rebirth and is one of the major holidays of the Frewyn calendar. It commemorates the day that the Gods forgave their children by reappearing as stars in the night sky. Various customs are associated with the holiday, like eating more cake than is advisable, thanking grandma for the tenth pair of socks you somehow needed, being forced to sit through the dirge of Church sermons, and spending the day in the throes of family togetherness. There is also the exchanging of small gifts, the placing of the glass lights on the tree, and the giving of charms, but these are paltry puersuits where the other customs are concerned. The holiday begins the night of the 23rd, as all Frewyn holidays begin the might before, is commemorated with a small feast, and passes quietly away into the following evening, which just happens to be Rautu's birthday. He would refute the idea of double gifts or gifts in general, but where cake and chocolate are abound, his remonstrations diminish. 

Maeith Ailineighdeath to all!


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