Maith Ailineighdaeth!

Happy Ailneighdaeth, the Frewyn holiday of rebirth! This is the day on which the Frewyn Gods made their promise to return to their children by showing themselves as the constellations in the sky. The Roe Gaumhin, the Frewyn cypress, is decorated with lights, gifts are exchanged (usually handmade items like sweaters and socks), and everyone gathers before the fire to delight in family raillery, games, song and dance. This year, we commemorate the release of Tales from Frewyn Volume 2 with a gingerbread barn, the twins, Brother Baronous, and King Alasdair (he's upset because his nice jerkin looks more like a bodice).

As well, we commemorate the upcoming release of Damson's Distress with gingerbread versions of Bartleby, Rannig, and Gubbins!
