Story for the Day: The Power of Pig Pottage
I am certainly guilty of trying various products to achieve the best youthful looks that a pottage might promise. Lucentians are the masters of creating odd cosmetics that become all the rage, but in Frewyn, rather than slather ourselves in creams and concoctions, we would rather bake the ingredients in a pie, eat it, and claim that a viable beauty regime. T he game of Ailinenteau that Thomas and Shayne were playing had ended, and with Shayne the winner, Jaicobh and Sheamas were invited to play with them and take up the two elements not already in use. They were sorry there were not more colours to be claimed and played with, but they would take turns, and the winner of the round would allow himself to be usurped for another player. Everyone else kindly declined to play, preferring Boghans or Fidchell to a game of sliding tiles, and Teague kindly refraining from both on account of his dreadful habit of never playing anything that had nothing to do with cards or dice unle...