Story for the Day: Sir Taunnis Moruadhain
The edits and artwork for the Mabhar Leith are almost complete! In the meantime, enjoy a bit about Taunnis Moruadhain, Captain of the Lakes Regiment, Head Guard of the Haven: To Tughneadh, Sir Taunnis would go. It was early in the season for the first cutting of thatch, but he should be glad of seeing the sweetgrass fields at any rate and of never admitting to submit to the protestations of his wife by the way. He quitted the Haven and walked across the bridge to the south side of Barrellynmere, the lake wearing its calmest smiles, the bank skirted by the littoral barm, the wind rippling against the water, the surface mirroring the pilgrimage of passing clouds. Carps and minnows skimmed the shallows, scattering under the Captain’s stride, and Taunnis stopped at the end of the bridge, to glory in the view and admire the Haven from a distance, the old fort collocated by bastions and battlements, its walls never once breached, the central tower surrounded by stones unagitated and un...