Story for the day: God's Day
I love Mondays. So much work gets done, mail gets delivered, and the world is in motion once again. I know many others enjoy the weekend so here is my ode to Gods' Day, Frewyn's day of rest. Rautu hates your weekends. Gods’ Day There was one day of the week in Frewyn upon which most of the businesses in the kingdom enjoyed and ebb and flow of trade. The last day of the week in the Old Frewyn calendar was reserved as Gods’ Day, so named by the Church in honour of what was expected on such a day. Worship was called within the chapels, people rejoiced in celebration, and everyone exulted the names of the gods as one collected people. This was how the day was meant to be commemorated and so it was for a time, but as the numbers of devout in Frewyn receded from the unrelenting invasions from Gallei, Gods’ Day became less a day of worship and more a day of reprieve. Services...