Story for the Day: Feiza
The crew of the Myrellenos has many assorted flavours: there are some saline scalawags, some silty scoundrels, but there are also sweet and sanguine nuts, including the agreeable but not always upstanding Feiza: Enjoy the series? Join the campaign here! T he swirl of snowdust soon settled, and when Feiza had raised his nowl, he saw a parade of children just mounting the adjacent downs, hastening toward them with beaming faces and eager steps. “Look, it’s a bear and a pirate!” one of the children cried. “Aw! I love bears!” “I’m wanna ride it!” “I’m gonna hunt it!” “I’m wanna ride the bear and hunt the pirate!” And before Moppit could disclaim and assure them that neither he nor Feiza were really bears, though Feiza was once a pirate and with prim determination still thought himself as one, the children assailed them, besieging them with triumphant cries, approaching Feiza with cocked hands and ferocious growls, and waving wooden swords at Moppit. “’Mon, bear...