Story for the Day: The Bad Neighbours

There are good neighbours and bad neighbours, and while bad neighbours might be decent people, their noise will make them offensive, especially when the noise is that of ten wanton children. B aba continued along the fence, watching for the neighbour’s children, expecting them to harass her at any moment, and her cat followed her lead, pattering in and out of the pickets, scouring the adjacent field with nose high and tail low. Baba waited beside the fence, watching her cat swat a and just as Baba determined she was safe from all interaction with her neighbours, a familiar voice caught her ear. Her nose twitched, her chin whiskers bristled, and she began her grumblings on the man failings of “farmers who don’t know how to manage their sow and piglets.” She would have preferred a wanton boar roaming about her fields in quest of a few hazelnuts rather than the disenchanted whinges of fat children crying about the supper’s being not done or about there being no buns to ...